So, i had a test ran a few weeks ago to determine my probability for developing this auto-immune disease. It came back positive.. very positive.
I was really disappointed about it, as i was hoping this would skip me. Why? who knows. I'm no more important than anyone else, no more special. Just really didn't' want to get this. Most of the females on my moms' side of the family have it, including her.
So, what does this mean for me in the future? not much really, just have to keep a closer eye on my thyroid levels and watch for changes in everything, as your thyroid controls a lot of things that go on in your body. When things start to change, make sure that i get on meds as soon as possible.
I need to get my weight down, so i don't' have to worry about the weight and my heart. Not that it wasn't a concern before, but more so now. I know i need to, i just have a hard time wanting to do something about it. Feel like I've hit a new low.
But i have two kids who need their mom and that's gotta be a good motivator. I also plan on getting my hormone levels (all hormones) tested, maybe that's what's really going on with my moods and such.
Bottom line, not a death sentence, but something to be concerned over.
Hello Angel,
I have had Hashimotos thyrioditis for about 15 years. I began making connections with different food allergies around 8 years ago when the traditional therapy (Synthroid) wasn't doing the job for my symptoms. I then began an educational website that might help others seeking natural courses to reverse this disease through diet and other lifestyle changes.
I am also presently seeing great results with an allergy elimination treatment called NAET which has completely eliminated many of my food allergies. I am almost done with the major contributors to my symptoms. This is being done side-by-side with emotional retraining (I was always a people pleaser but I can see now that I completely lost touch with my own needs) through energy healing tools like EFT and BSFF which you might enjoy looking into on the emotional front. Our emotions can be responsible for many issues and they are finding that at the root of some (if not all) autoimmune diseases lies emotional pain or suppression. This area of emotional issues seemed impossible for me to control until I found these scientifically proven techniques to reverse some of the automatic emotional responses we have built in from years of doing things a certain way. I am now finding freedom to do things a different way and having success in this area. I am a Christian, so it took a few years for me to get to the point of understanding that there is no threat and it can even "fall in line" with my beliefs!
Just thought I'd post a bit to let you know there are others out there seeking answers to this disease. I run a forum dedicated to figuring out ways to reverse or at least minimize the damage of this disease. Would love to see you there. I've been most active on my forum so my blog has been neglected. You will likely enjoy the discussions on my forum. :)
Feel free to drop me a personal e-mail too. You are in a good position to minimize the damage of this disease since you have just been diagnosed.
The main page of my site is directed specifically to the newly diagnosed so you might truly enjoy visiting and watching the video about Hashimoto's Disease.
May you find renewed health and hope as you continue your journey.
Mo :)
Bovine tablet is a thyroid health supplement available for so many years, is a non-prescription medication meant to help your thyroid regulate the production of mandatory hormones. Without bovine, a lot of folks suffering from hypothyroidism would be lost.
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